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    Mediante masajes rítmicos profundos o más superficiales buscando efecto analgésico contra el dolor, relajación contra el estrés y mejorar el drenaje linfático. Efectos: devuelve la elasticidad y suavidad de la piel, muscular: relajación analgésica por aumento de la circulación, mejora la circulación, elimina edemas y aumenta las defensas, mejora el aparato digestivo. Indicado para: Problemas de circulación: varices, edemas, circulación deficiente, Sistema nervioso: estrés, angustia, insomnio, depresión, problemas digestivos: digestión nerviosa, colon irritable, gastralgia, inapetencia. Aparato locomotor: contracturas, dolores de cuello, espalda, hombros., distensiones, lumbago, artrosis, tortícolis, Recuperación funcional, fatiga muscular, reumatismo, lumbalgia, ciática. Para la piel: celulitis.


    La MADEROTERAPIA: técnica de masaje que equilibra energéticamente el organismo, siendo su función principal: REAFIRMAR y MODELAR LA SILUETA, FAVORECIENDO LA REGENERACIÓN DEL COLÁGENO Y LA ACTIVACIÓN DE LA CIRCULACIÓN SANGUÍNEA, favoreciendo la nutrición del tejido (trofismo) y la eliminación de toxinas. Reduce y elimina la CELULITIS. Aumentando el metabolismo de las grasas y reduce y reabsorbe la hinchazón de la celulitis blanda. Se trabaja con rodillos y herramientas de madera natural. Esta técnica milenaria se deriva de la sabiduría ancestral oriental.


    Se trata de una forma de masaje terapéutico, técnica destinada a penetrar en las estructuras más profundas del tejido del músculo y la fascia, también llamado tejido conectivo. Utiliza muchos de los movimientos del quiromasaje, aunque, por lo general, la presión es más intensa. Está más centrado en liberar la tensión o nudos musculares (conocidos como “adherencias”) Y no sólo conlleva beneficios notorios en lo referido a lo físico, sino también psicológicos. A diferencia de otras técnicas de masaje que se centran sólo y predominantemente en la relajación, el masaje de tejido profundo, además de ayuda a tratar el dolor muscular y mejora la rigidez, consigue que la persona que lo recibe, se relaje mentalmente. "el deep tissue" tiene como objetivo relajarse y relajarse en profundidad los músculos, fascias y articulaciones, para que el cuerpo recupere espacios de movilidad más anchos y "libres". También actúa sobre los síntomas del dolor localizado y crónico. Finalmente, la técnica no se detiene solo en los efectos fisiológicos, porque, al final, puede permitir una mejor "postura", que el cuerpo recupera.

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Blog Posts (6)

  • Natural rejuvenation with growth factors.

    Growth factor treatments for the skin involve the use of products that contain high concentrations of growth factors, usually obtained from natural sources or produced in a laboratory. These treatments are used with the aim of promoting skin regeneration and revitalization. The mechanism of action of growth factor skin treatments can vary depending on the specific product and formulation used, but generally involve the following processes: Stimulation of cell proliferation: Growth factors can promote the proliferation of skin cells, which helps repair and regenerate damaged or aging skin. Increased collagen and elastin production: Growth factors can stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two proteins essential for skin elasticity and firmness. This can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Improved wound healing: Growth factors can accelerate the wound healing process by promoting the migration and proliferation of cells involved in tissue repair. Increased hydration: Some growth factors can stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid and other components that help keep skin hydrated and looking healthy. Growth factor treatments for the skin can be administered in the form of serums, creams, gels, or more advanced procedures such as microneedle therapy or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) microdermabrasion, where even higher concentrations of growth factors are used. growth obtained from the patient's own blood. It is important to note that the effectiveness of growth factor skin treatments can vary depending on the product used, the concentration of growth factors, and each person's individual response. In addition, it is essential to follow the facial routine guidelines with the product that your beauty therapist recommends for your skin type and time that you are going through. What are Growth factors? Growth factors are proteins that regulate cell growth, differentiation and survival. These proteins can be secreted by cells in their environment (autocrine), by nearby cells (paracrine), or even by the same type of cells (endocrine). Growth factors play key roles in a variety of biological processes, including embryonic development, wound healing, tissue regeneration, and regulation of the immune system. Examples of growth factors include epidermal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), among others. Our Microneedling treatment with a cocktail of growth factors, ferulic acid and coenzyme Q10. The DIVES-MED growth factor cocktail that we use at KoAN CLUB is an analogue of the epidermal growth factor naturally present in our skin, intended for intensive reconstruction and stimulation of the regeneration process. EGF is a polypeptide substance secreted by certain types of cells in the body. It works by stimulating other cells to divide, grow or differentiate. It is essential in the regeneration and healing process of the epidermis and dermis. EGF stimulates the proliferation and migration of keratinocytes, stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen, and is responsible for the epithelialization that occurs during wound healing. Growth factors are the basis of many aesthetic medicine treatments and are a specific elixir of youth and a stimulant for the reconstruction of healthy and regenerated skin. Benefits of DIVES-MED growth factor Stimulate tissue reconstruction Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin Accelerates cell proliferation and tissue regeneration Increases cellular metabolism and oxygenation Improves skin firmness and elasticity Protects cells and prevents glycation of skin proteins GROWTH FACTOR application area: Face, neck, neckline - body - scalp Active ingredients Epidermal growth factor EGF - accelerates the rate of skin renewal and reepidermalization, stimulates collagen production, prevents the formation of photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles Ferulic acid - protects against cellular DNA damage, prevents protein glycation, strongly rejuvenates Coenzyme Q10 - one of the most powerful antioxidants, is responsible for skin regeneration, protects against wrinkles, accelerates wound healing. Recommendation: Winter: every 21 days For mature skin, RENEW YOUR SKIN CHALLENGE: we recommend between 3 and 4 sessions in a row, every 7 days, to regenerate very damaged skin and achieve an optimal facial rejuvenation result. This treatment is included in your Therapy membership fee. If you are not yet a member of the club or want to change your membership, contact us by WhatsApp at +34 623 310 883 and we will inform you of everything or by email to Bienvenid@s. Inshalah'

  • EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL DETOX THROUGH OUR KōAN METHOD: The importance of detox to slow down aging.

    EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL DETOX THROUGH OUR KōAN METHOD: The importance of detox to slow down aging In the search for greater health and comprehensive well-being, more and more girls and boys are turning to holistic approaches to take care of themselves, addressing both the body and the mind. In this sense, the KōAN method is shown as an option that combines physical and emotional care to promote balance and vitality. In this article, we will explore how our monthly emotional and physical detox service can help you achieve an optimal state of well-being, thereby slowing down aging. KōAN CLUB's holistic approach and our Inside Out beauty method. Central to the KōAN method is the principle that our body and mind are intrinsically connected. And that, therefore, true well-being arises only when both are in harmony. Therefore, our treatments are designed to address both the physical and emotional aspects of health. Inspired by the ancient practices of traditional Eastern medicine, and fused with modern approaches to wellness, KōAN's holistic approach is ideal for those seeking greater well-being and slowing down old age. Emotional detox When we talk about detox, we are referring to detoxification, cleansing the emotions of all the bad, so that only the good, the essential, lasts. The stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions we are exposed to daily can have a significant impact on our physical health. Also generating premature aging. At KōAN, we understand the importance of releasing these emotional tensions to promote a state of calm and balance. That's why our emotional detox approach is based on ancient and modern techniques, designed to help you release accumulated emotional weight and cultivate a more positive attitude toward life. Physical detox Not only the mind and emotions must be cleansed of everything negative to which we are exposed. The human body is constantly exposed to environmental toxins, as well as internal toxins produced by metabolism and stress. These toxins can accumulate in our organs and tissues, contributing to premature aging and a variety of health problems. Therefore, our physical detox approach focuses on removing these toxins from the body through natural and effective methods. This includes treatments designed to stimulate the elimination of toxins and revitalize the body from the inside out. The importance of detox to slow down aging Aging is something we all experience throughout our lives. However, many factors can speed up this process, including stress, poor diet, and exposure to environmental toxins. By addressing these factors and promoting the elimination of toxins on both a physical and emotional level, detox can help slow the aging process and promote a younger, more radiant appearance. KōAN Method to maintain balance and beauty Inside Out One of the best ways to maintain emotional and physical balance month to month is through our KōAN Method membership. Our KōAN recommendations: Eat healthy, from the garden, and don't buy in large supermarkets. Learn how to grow your everyday vegetables. Learn how to create your ointments and natural remedies with plants and foods from nature. Don't use chemicals on your skin Go get water from the spring and refill your glass jugs, this way you will stop consuming tap water or plastics. Meditate and breathe consciously every day to return to balance. Exercise regularly to oxygenate the blood and generate nitric oxide for the health of your arteries, move your lymphatic system and generate new collagen, (collagen is the basis of life. Learn to manage your leisure time: Be your own owner, do not enslave yourself with the massive use of technology and social networks, since it generates the shortening of telomeres due to the stress suffered by the axons or nerve endings of your neurons With our membership, you will receive a complete detox treatment each month, designed specifically to meet your individual needs. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve your overall health, or simply treat yourself, our team of wellness experts will be there to guide you on your journey to total wellness. Join us on the path to total wellness and discover the incredible benefits of the KōAN Method today.

  • The powerful effect of vitamin C on the skin

    In the ViBėS by KōAN Blog, the Biomolecular Cosmetics of KōAN CLUB, in the world of oncological aesthetics, our serums are increasingly gaining more recognition, since they are 100% natural, without any harmful chemicals for our skin and consequently, for our body and for the planet. Today we talk to you about Vitamin C, the Treatment Pack to renew your skin and the effects of correct Inside Out hydration. Your skin reflects both your physical and mental health, it is the largest organ in your body, your protection against external agents. That is why you must take proper care of it from within, maintaining a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water. In addition, it is important to maintain adequate and not too aggressive cleaning, avoid products that contain toxins and moisturize frequently and use a personalized routine for your skin type recommended by our specialists. This Pack is specially designed to recover the health and hydration of the skin, thus avoiding dehydration, spots and premature aging with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging typical of skin dehydration. The Pack renews your skin: a promise of renewal At the heart of KōAN's philosophy lies the quest to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance for as long as possible. The Renew your skin Pack Includes: 1 OXYGENATING CLEANING WITH RF 1 PEELING ACCORDING TO SKIN TYPE 1 DERMAPEN WITH AH AND ACTIVE INGREDIENTS ACCORDING TO SKIN TYPE. We also recommend continuing the treatment at home with vitamin C serum. It is not just a collection of products; is a journey towards revitalization, designed to combat the ravages of time and restore skin's luminosity. The Power of Pure Vitamin C At the heart of the serums in the Renew Your Skin Pack lies pure vitamin C, a true gem that activates the collagen production of our fibroblasts. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals, protecting the skin from damage caused by environmental factors such as sun exposure and pollution. The key to the effectiveness of KōAN vitamin C lies in its nanomolecular form, which allows better penetration into the deep layers of the skin. This deep penetration ensures that vitamin C can work in synergy with skin cells, stimulating collagen and elastin production, and promoting cell regeneration. Skin benefits: renewed luminosity and youth The benefits of pure, nanomolecular vitamin C are abundant and transformative. By incorporating the Always Young Pack serums into your daily skincare routine, you can expect: Restored Radiance: Vitamin C helps brighten skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots and discolorations, revealing a radiant, even complexion. Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines: By stimulating collagen synthesis, vitamin C helps improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, revealing a more youthful and firm appearance. Protection against environmental damage: The antioxidants present in vitamin C help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental factors, maintaining its long-term health and vitality. KōAN TAO ZEN & INNERBEAUTY In a world where time seems to march relentlessly, KōAN's Forever Young Pack offers a beacon of hope and renewal. With their advanced formulation of pure, nanomolecular vitamin C, these serums not only defy the signs of aging, but also embrace the promise of luminous, youthful skin, today and always. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of biomolecular cosmetics and awaken to a new era of beauty and well-being. STARTING WITH YOU, YOU WILL ALSO CARE FOR THE PLANET.El Pack Renueva tu piel Incluye:

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